We don't need to fart around, here. Your app is kinda crap. It's also maybe a little ugly. Don't feel bad - most Bubble apps are like that. But you probably need to fix it if you wanna make all that money or get that big investment or get your users to stop yelling at you.
Lucky for you, this is my whole gig.
Heyo, I'm Kelly.
I build in Bubble.
That's a little ho-hum, isn't it? Lots of people do that. They're fine, I'm sure. But I need you to find me more exciting than them... Let's try this...
I'm a designer who builds in Bubble.
Ooooooooooo, aaaaaahhhhh... Yes, I know.
But wait-wait-wait. You want something EVEN BETTER???
I'm a designer who's been building in Bubble for several years who is also very good at all the not-so-designy parts of Bubble, and who literally specializes in uncrapping crappy apps.
I'm the person you hire when you realize that guy you hired on UpWork did not actually know what he was doing.
...Or when your app technically works (🤞), but it's very, very ugly, or just extremely confusing, and your users don't know what the flarp you want them to do.
...Or you miraculously raised a round on an app built with scotch tape and a dream, and you've finally got the cash to get the grown-ups involved.
Take a look at some stuff I've done
You can hire me to...
Un-crap your crappy app
Redesign & re-skin your app
Assess your current build or design
Roast your onboarding flow
Roast your onboarding
or any other
Build your app from scratch
Teach you how to use Bubble
Teach you
or your students
Some stuff about me
Boring Stuff
Been Bubbling professionally (building, teaching, coaching) since 2021. See some of the folks I've worked with here.
Before finding Bubble I was a branding & web designer and before that made posters and playbills (etc) for a theater company. I've designed a whole bunch of stuff.
I talk a lot about Bubble. Listen to me yammer here.
On occasion I do big fancy talks at conferences and events.
Fun Stuff
My early years were spent in Texas, mostly in bowling alleys. I am a sick-ass bowler.
In a seriously misguided (but extremely fun) bout of youthful decision-making, I ended up with a masters degree in opera performance. There was a time when I played violin, harp, piano, and marimba… I can no longer do any of those things, although I do ride a bike sometimes.
My Dad's name is Santa. I'm only telling you this because I know you're wondering - it's not something I brag about all the time.
Occasionally I write ridiculous things on the internet for fun.
I've been traveling full time since 2016, probably in an effort to relive the early adulthood I squandered by going to church a lot. You can waste an afternoon reading about this mortifying journey on my seriously dumb (and seriously defunct) travel blog.
I have a not-insignificant fear that I will fall through the floor at any moment. That's not a metaphor, I'm actually afraid of that.
What the cool kids say
I swear I didn't make these quotes up. Real people said them, and I included their pictures as proof that they actually exist. Also, look how attractive my clients are. Yowza.
Kelly is a beast. Seriously. If you have the opportunity to work with her, you'd be silly not to. Give her the high level direction and let her work her magic. She's really good at running with designs and making them come to life, all while combating the complexities you didn't warn her about. You rock, Kelly!
design | development
What an amazing experiencing having worked with you. I've learned a TON from you and we could not have asked for the most perfect fit... "I wonder if we could find an awesome designer who likes UX and happens to also be a Bubble developer" - pretty sure we thought that was an impossibility... but we found ya! Thank you so much for everything!
I want to extend a heartfelt thanks to you! Your teachings and mentorship were one of the best parts of the Immerse program and I'm deeply appreciative of the time you took to both guide and model curiosity and critical thinking within the Bubble platform. Thank you for keeping it real while also holding high expectations. You're simply amazing!
NEW! Find-a-Dev Day
A "speed-dating" event for founders & freelance developers.
Dev Day
An day-long online conference for professional Bubble developers.
How to Not Suck at Design
A fun little talk I did for the 2024 CreateWith Conference.
The place for serious Bubble Developers to show their work. (Currently in Beta)
My Emoji Naming Conventions System 🤓
Possibly the nerdiest thing you will experience for a while. But useful, nonetheless.
Weekly Bubble Dev Hangouts
Just me and my friends hanging out, talking about Bubble stuff.
Wanna chat? Okay, cool.
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Drop files here to upload (or click)
Drop files here to upload (or click)
Watch my talk at CreateWith on How to Not Suck at Design